
Healing IBS using Zenna Healing



Doing Zenna Healing on yourself on a regular basis can put you on track to recovery from IBS:

A- Lie down on your back and make yourself comfortable. Keep your hands wide open, relaxed, and preferably with your palms facing down. Your hands are important because through them the spiritual healing energies radiate.

B- Invite your spirit healer to heal you. Say: “I invite my Zenna Spirit Healer to heal my IBS. I promise to keep my body absolutely still for the next 30 minutes. I am ready!”

C- Relax your body and try to notice the energies. You might notice coldness in your feet during the healing session. You might also notice  some deep sadness hitting your mood. And you might feel some pressure on your brain during the session, and maybe a slight headache as well.

These are all signs that your brain, thoughts, and nervous system needs to be reprogrammed, and that the spirit world is giving you the right impulses to start this reprogramming process.

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